When I think back to around this time last year when my world was turned upside down, I realize that I missed out on a lot of the joy that this time of year brings for me. The crisp air, the first snowfall, falling leaves, and winter hats. I have often worried that this time of year might send me spiraling a bit, thinking back to what we were going though last year – but so far, it hasn’t.

It’s been a sweet five months since I learned I was cancer free. Being on the other side of this crazy journey, I’m starting to notice that I am seeing the world through a little different lens. It’s clearer, brighter, and focuses on me at the center. When illness overcame me and forced me to pause, it also forced me to start seeing everything in a new light – including myself. As much as this experience sucked (really no other way to say it), I’ve learned a lot about myself and can’t help feeling like I’ve grown from it all. Like this post is titled, I’ve stopped sweating the small stuff and am really just enjoying life – more than I ever had before.
Health Update
I realize that when people ask how I’m doing, I usually reply with – “really good, just getting back to normal – whatever that was before all this.” But in reality, I know now that I will never be going back to where I was before all of this. Some things are always going to remain a little different for me, and that’s my new normal. I mean, Tom E. Tumor has been evicted, but he left a couple holes in the walls that are going to take some time to patch up. At the end of the day though, I feel good and that’s the truth. My mind has slowly been clearing up as I focus on healing mentally from all that we went through.
I will continue to be monitored monthly with a few MRIs here and there until about July of 2020 to make sure there is no regrowth of Tom E. Tumor. I also get to have Mort the Port removed in a few weeks which is really exciting. 🎉
Saying Yes to Happiness
About a month ago, a picture of a sweet dog in need of a foster home appeared in my news feed. Within a few minutes, I was convinced I wanted to become a foster for Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue. Of course, I consulted with Adam and let him sleep on it for like five minutes before filling out the application 🙂. We have now been a foster home for 2 of the sweetest pups and love to see their little lives changed by finding their furever homes.
Fostering dogs was something I had always thought about doing but it never really seemed like the right time. But really, when is the right time for anything?

Which brings me to my new tattoo. What the heck right? I have always dreamed of wearing a piece of artwork, but I never quite knew what I wanted and something always held me back from going for it. Maybe something in me was waiting for this moment when it all seemed to come together for me. I chose an amazing artist, a style, and I had her design me the most beautiful half sleeve. It was the perfect gift to myself and carries a lot of meaning for me.
The more I think about it, I’m not sure there is a right time for anything. Don’t ever hold yourself back from happiness, waiting for some magical perfect moment. It might sounds cheesy, but I can’t wait for the next wonderful thing I get to say yes to doing.
Cheers 💜
I shared my story recently on the JJ Meets World podcast, check it out!